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Updated: Apr 23, 2023

"The Core Resonance process just clarified everything. In my mind, it's really all came out of me and then set up structures that allowed me to be me."

- Chase Bossart

Executive Director of Yoga Well Institute


Episode 9: Being Aligned as a Business Owner

A Conversation with Chase Bossart


It is a challenge to run a business when you don't have a background in business. Learn about alignment and how aligning with your core can help you to not only run your business but to also show up as your authentic self.

Marcel welcomes back his Yoga Teacher, Chase Bossart. Chase talks about his experiences with the Core Resonance process and how it has helped and supported him with running his business, the Yoga Well Institute. This process helped him to focus on what was most important and make decisions about who to hire, how to solve problems, and how to best connect with clients.

Chase and Marcel also share tips with listeners about the importance of alignment in our lives and how having a practice that focuses on alignment supports us in a personal and professional manner.

Here are some highlights from the conversation with Chase that tell you what the Core Resonance process was like for him:

  • Basics of the Core Resonance Process:

    • Begins with an interview- Marcel allowed Chase to explore who he was and what was important to him by asking him specific questions about his values

    • Marcel and Chase worked together to chip the paragraphs from their conversation down to a few Core Resonance statements- each one captured something essential to Chase as a Yoga Teacher and to his vision for Yoga well Institute

    • Chase learned how to apply these statements to his business practices and to every day life

  • Doing what you love can be a different skillset than organizing a business or practice

    • Chase faced to issue of how to create his business and how to run that business according to his alignment

  • Marcel came to this Core Resonance process by realizing that healing is about alignment and cultivated inner potentials in people- this process is heavily influenced by Yoga

  • Marcel was able to help Chase with orientation- to relate to the organizational dynamics and the needs of his employees and how the role of leadership influences the entire organizations

  • Chase came away with a series of statements and a means of utilizing them that allowed him to get clear about his values and what was important for him

    • All of the variables fell into place- it became clear to him how to prioritize what mattered and what steps he needed to take to focus on what mattered

  • Chase found that he was able to make decisions with confidence knowing he's oriented from himself


Be sure to check out Episode 8 with Megan Murk if you haven't already. This episode talks about how healing practitioners and their skillsets are important technology in the health industry and how having a personal practice can help them to make more meaningful connections with their clients.


Chase Bossart grew up in Seattle and still considers himself a Seattleite even though he has lived away from Seattle longer than he lived there. He graduated from Colgate University in Philosophy and Religion, completed a Masters in Religious Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara and lived and worked in Beijing for 8 years (i.e. graduated from the school of hard knocks). He speaks fluent (though slightly rusty) Mandarin and lives happily in the Bay Area with his wife Elizabeth.

Chase was introduced to Mr. TVK Desikachar in 1991 during a study abroad program in Chennai, India (Kate Holcombe was also a student in that program!) As part of the program, Mr Desikachar taught a semester-long course on the Theory of Yoga. Needless to say, it was life changing. Here was a practical philosophy that not only answered big life questions like who are we? what is the world? and what is our relationship to the world? etc. but it also gave practical instructions on what to do.

A personal student of Mr. Desikachar’s since 1991, Chase has spent more than four years in Chennai studying Yoga with Mr. Desikachar, his family and at the KYM. Chase is the Founder of the Yoga Well Institute. He currently trains yoga teachers, therapists & health practitioners in the full application of yoga in a way that is easy to integrate into daily life. In addition to training programs and workshops across the US, he has also established a series of online courses around the philosophies of yoga and meditation.


Yoga Well Institute

The Yoga Well Institute is an organization dedicated to Yoga, meditation, and holistic health in the tradition of Viniyoga. We provide a safe, supportive, and caring Yoga community, where people can experience sustainable transformation, come out of suffering, and learn how to help others do the same thing.


Want to learn more about Core Resonance Works? Please check out the website:


Doing Differently- Episode Nine- Transcript

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Chase: So I'm executive director of the Yoga Well Institute, and I was a long time personal student of Mr. Tkv Deha Kochar. I'm very interested in all things yoga, and that has particularly in my case, been meditation, Parma, textual studies, therapeutic application. I'm also trained by his wife, really as a tic.


Marcel: Chase has been my yoga teacher for since like 2005 or 2006, something like that for many years. And I was very lucky enough, I consider it one of the most fortunate circumstances of my life to have worked with him when he had quite a bit more time to work with students.

And I over the process of working with the yoga before that my background was in organization development and also with working with a lot of facilitated processes and communication. And as a result of kind of putting the two together, I created this process called Core Resonance, which is essentially a facilitated process that helps people.

Develop a practice of alignment. It helps them identify more clearly the alignment that's already within them and come from that and work with that more often, more of the time. And so I've asked Chase if he would join me to share with us his experiences with the core Resonance Works process over the last few years where I have worked with him using Core Resonance.

Chase: I thought that that was all just yoga.

Marcel: I love it. I'm so happy to hear you say that , because I feel the same way. You and I have talked about this, but I do a couple of different things, but the most important thing to me is that everything I'm doing is yoga. And it may not be yoga specifically in quote unquote form, but it's all very much yoga in function.

So I thought maybe we might start chase with when we first did the first part of this process, which is it's essentially an interview where I asked the person about what they care most about and what they're connected to. And I was wondering if you might just share a bit about your experience with that interview that we did.

Yeah. In the beginning.

Chase: Let me let me go a little bit further back because Yeah. It turns out that, and I'm sure everybody who tries to make a living out of their main interests in life finds that doing what they love is a different skill set than organizing. A business or a practice or some sort of financial exchange around that.

And I found myself out on my own as a yoga teacher, really wanting to not just teach yoga classes, but to really have in depth engagements with students.

So that meant like one on one over a long period of time, you know, years that meant having. Trainings. So people will come in and be with the material for multiple years, and that requires actually administrative support. You know, you have to have a certain organization of the material. You have to have a certain organization of how students are found, how they find out about what the program is, how they decide to come in, all of those things.

And then once they're in, how do you hold them? If you have a group of people, say the group is 20 people, that's more than one person can hold, really. If we're going to be applying vi yoga in terms of the Individualization of techniques and practices to each person. So all of a sudden as I was doing all this, I'm finding that, oh my God, I'm running a marketing team.

I'm organizing groups of mentors or teachers. I'm, I'm having to set up all the administrative things that are going with how do you take in the money and track that and then have, know how much money you're gonna have next month and pay the people that are there.

Marcel: So you ended up in a place where with your teaching of yoga, it wasn't just about.

Delivering the courses and being connected with your students. It was also about how do I create this organization or this platform that holds all of the functions of that in essence, how do I, how do I create and run this business? Because that's exactly right. That was also necessary,

Chase: right? Yeah. And it's and, you know, I, I'm practicing twice a day and I'm, and I'm making sure that I'm staying connected to who I am and authenticity, et cetera.

And there's all kinds of stuff I'm not good at, which meant that and I didn't know how to do it, you know, like, so I had to hire people. And I, at the beginning, the way that I managed people was I either. Right. Gave them something entirely and didn't check in with them at all until the very end , and then was either really unhappy or really happy with what they did or I completely, I gave it to them and then took it back and did it myself,

So I was not satisfied with my own experience of the administration of our institute.

Marcel: It's also, it seems like my experience also with, with my own business has been if you don't have a lot of experience with business or running business, all of your like patterns and personality challenges and all of this just come roaring to the front because so much of it is around managing communication and so much of it is a based on.

Like how you perceive and how you communicate. And so it really is kind of a real growth Yes. Process just to have to run a business.

Chase: Yeah. You know, all of the things about how to organize the material, how to know what students needed, all all of that kind kind of stuff that, I won't say came easily, but it came with reflection.

And the other stuff like, well, did I hire the right operations person or how do I even know, like, what qualities am I looking for in an operations person? Or like marketing. I thought marketing was just like, you know, hang out at your, your, your, your sign and.

Bam. People come and man, so I really came to you needing a way of organizing and sifting through all of the things that I was being required to do that I just really didn't know how to do. And I had actually a business coach and I had, I had two business coaches and I was getting a lot of do this and do that.

And it was, and I just, How do you determine what to do is really, I think, the key part of life.

Marcel: Yeah. I mean, one of the ways I phrase this is if we don't have a lot of experience with something we don't really know what's most important and what's not. But also if something is like a challenge for us in our own growth and our own development, it's really helpful to be able to have some kind of process or support that helps us identify what is most important to pay attention to.

What is most helpful to pay attention to.

Chase: Yeah, and I, I mean, I was just, you know, I mean literally my management style was either do all myself or hand it over and not give any feedback or, you know, not do anything until the end and then just be like, Oh God what do we got here? So I really needed some help in organizing.

And if we're gonna talk about what you're doing, you're really talking about why you're doing it.

Marcel: , I originally created this process or kind of like, I don't know if I created it, but it came to me.

Chase: It came through you,

Marcel: It came through me By, I mean, I was trying to listen with. how I realized that that healing is mostly about alignment. It's about inner potentials in people. Like in yoga therapy, often that's what I'm focusing on doing is seeing the inner potentials in a person and helping them cultivate those inner potentials and be aligned with that.

And so I was also doing this work with organizations as well as individuals, and I was just trying to figure out a process that would allow for identify what is the, like, alignment for the individual person. What is a way of capturing what's going on when they're in a place where they're alive, engaged, and nourished.

And the other thing I was thinking about is how this notion that I learned from yoga. In that where you're coming from is just as important or often more important than what you're doing. And this whole, well, that's the whole game. Watch yourself.

Chase: So, Yeah. So when we started talking about my doing the, the core residents, like You know, I didn't really appreciate how helpful it was going to be. When I started out, I thought like, well, he's got a PhD in organizational communication and he's gonna be able to help me figure out what to say to my staff to get him to do, read my mind and do what I'm thinking I want them to do without actually having to talk to me.

But the end result for me was I came away with a series of. Pithy statements that allow me in a, in a means of using, utilizing them, that allowed me to get clear about what my values were and what was really important for me in any one situation. And then immediately all the variables cleaned up and it's immediately, it's clear like, Oh, okay, so these 16 things, here are the three things that matter.

And because these three things matter, this is what I need to do. This is the step that I need to take, because all that other stuff is, yeah, it's involved, but it's kind of it's not intrinsic to what we are as an organization or who we are as a as a teaching platform, et cetera. And so, , the core resident process just clarified everything.

And, and in my mind it's really, it's yoga. I mean, it's, it's how you do it and how you operated. It's, it all came out of me and then set up structures that allowed me to be me.

Marcel: What I find kind of fascinating about this process is that you had a lot to do with the creation of the process indirectly because you, you taught me over a decade as my mentor and my yoga teacher.

And so like when I said earlier about how I don't think I necessarily created the process, I think it, it came to me, it came to me as a. Almost a confluence of both my background in communication and organizations with the yoga.

And oftentimes due to just everyday challenges we are not always coming from our alignment. In fact, what I observed by observing myself too, is that a lot of the times we're either coming from opportunities or distractions or challenges. and like the whole core resonance process was designed as a, as a practice to help, as you just expressed, the individual person come from alignment, like address opportunities, challenges, and distractions, but don't come from them.

So it was like, how do you identify this and how do you like work with it? Could you say more about how those statements like help you discern the wheat from the shaft or Yeah. What do you

Chase: see? Let me, let me start with how I got the statements right. So, Sure. So the first, the first thing that happened was you asked me some questions about my values and what was important to me and what, you know, in an ideal world, dreaming as big as you possibly can dream.

Like what happens, what is. Yoga Well institute what is its role in the world and what is, you know, et cetera. And so, and I talked, and basically we met, I think we met twice, but maybe it was three times. And, and, and I just talked and you recorded all of it and had it transcribed and then you, you combed through it and came out with a few paragraphs that were condensed versions of like, you know, I, I looked at 'em and I almost wanted a weep, cuz it's like, yes, let's have this be where yoga wall gets to and what and what happens.

But and then, you know, if you want to add anything or if I'm missing any step, please step in here.

Marcel: Well, I, I think what you said that's really super important is, , the questions were basically designed to kind of go around a person's self censoring or being too wrapped up in what they, the immediate needs of what they need to do and like go, or what's realistic Yeah.

Or what's realistic and go into a space which is, hey, when you're feeling what you're creating, and it's like, it's like alive, it's engaged, it's nourish, it's all like unfolding really well, like what is going on? What is happening.

And then created that content you spoke about. I mean, one of the main principles here is, okay, so. If you like, create your alignment, your statement, and work from it, that's great. But the, the challenge is how do you create a tool that you can work from consistently that you're not revising all the time.

Mm-hmm. , because a lot of us, like get clear about our vision and mission, but then we keep changing it. So one, you can be confident in that you can feel that you can become a consistent tool for you to work from and use.

Chase: Sorry. Go. Yeah. You know, and that's been the case. Like I, this is, this is, we've used the values and and the mission statement that, I mean, you, I produced I think three different things through our process.

We, and we've used them for more than five years, the same ones. And you know, we start a lot of meanings. By looking like, All right, so here's our mission, here's the values, you know, does everybody else align with that and make sure that we remember this is what we're doing and that kind of thing. So it it has actually functioned like that and been been very effective.

Marcel: Was just gonna point out, you know, I use, I said mission and values, and you said mission and values too, but I want to clarify that that's kind of a way of relating to an understanding what the core resonance is like. But the mission and values are really kind of translations of the core residents, because originally in the process it's you as an individual, it's like it's a hundred percent internal.

And then we translated it so that it can work more externally for yoga. Well, as an institu. As an organization. Yeah,

Chase: yeah, yeah. So I end up with this, I, we end up with these paragraphs. And the paragraphs are, you know, condensations of my, you know, my ramblings about like, in an ideal world where there is no restrictions on who I am or, or you know, people's uptake of yoga or you know, what is financially possible or do you know, et cetera.

We end up with this like these really beautiful, inspiring description. And then and then from that it was actually further condensed because you read it to me and I picked out different pieces. That was really interesting. Oh, this is really interesting. Oh, that's also really interesting. And so it, it, after going through two or three of these iterations, we came down with six core statements.

And each of those statements is en capturing something that is really essential to who I am as a yoga teacher and what the vision of yoga well as an institute is and how that, and, and it's, it's not coming from ideas or what, I mean, it's coming from who I am essentially. Yeah.

Marcel: Yeah. The, like what you mentioned about, Well, that was interesting.

Well, this is interesting. The part of this is where the resonance comes into play because the process is not an intellectual one. Actually the same could be said for yoga, of course. Mm-hmm. , it's, it's the process, it's, it's like resonant. It's like what's emotive, what, what feels strong? And the idea is to identify those descriptions and to use them basically as tools.

And I think one of the things that's really important to, to, to talk about is that the statement itself, it's not like form based. It's function based, meaning it describes the qualities that are there that are existent when things are aligned. And those qualities can be in any given like context.

So So, yeah, please say more. , so it gave you these statements that let you have this clarity about Yeah, what was most important. And then as you shared, it helped also with just kind of like the way I was hearing what you were saying is cultivating the alignment with your people.

Chase: Right. Well, we started out with, with my personal core resident theme, right? About like, who am I, right? And you know, basically,

basically it got super clear as to like, oh, this is what I do. And the, I have four statements. The first one is, I structure and hold knowledge of yoga in a clear, organized and systemic way that supports experiential and practical understanding of yoga. Okay, So what am I not, I'm not an academic. . So even though all kinds of opportunities come about, you know, arguing in academic circles about the meanings of particular words and this and this cetera, okay, that's not what I'm about.

I'm about an experiential and practical understanding of yoga. So where should my time go? My time should go to what it is that helps to support that, right? So you know, I structure and hold knowledge of yoga in a clear, organized and systemic way, right? So I don't have to be perfect.

Perfect by a long shot. Just go ahead and ask my, my wife or my, my brother or my parents or whatever, right? So, but I don't have to be, and I don't have to be worried about it. What I do is I structure and hold the knowledge of yoga in a way that's clear and organized so that people can understand it. And so that has freed me to actually use myself as an example all the time and to really be something that, you know, people can see like, oh, so in an average person's life, all kinds of stuff, pretty unpleasant stuff happens.

And this is how yoga is applied to that. Doesn't mean I don't screw up, it doesn't mean I don't wish I had done something differently, occasionally, et cetera. But no, we're, we're, we're staying true to. to what yoga looks like, and that comes out of these statements.

Marcel: So, I mean, I hear you saying that the, the process of identifying your, your alignment with yoga, well with yourself, but also with Yoga Well Institute in that was also an identification of your alignment functionally with Joe, your alignment, functioning with yoga.

Chase: The only thing you can really do is be authentic and try your best and to have some guardrails, to have some orientations allows you to figure out why you're doing something and where, and to have trust in the decisions and actions you take.

Marcel: Yeah, I think the process was very much designed from, from a standpoint of how do you help an individual person identify these kinds of qualities that are present when they're aligned and like through practice of, of, of.

Working with those qualities, cultivating them. So you are basically by cultivating your, your, each time you use them and work from them and with them they get stronger and stronger are, they get more, more present. And you start to be able to like any kind of alignment, it, it's a process that can move in like instantly in more subtle directions.

It's like you start to just be able to feel more. So in a way the, the statements are not just labels their, their signatures of the qualities of alignment that are felt or witnessed. And you know, the, the labels are, are basically kind of placeholders. For the qualities of experiences, it's just symbols that represent

Chase: This is another piece that you know, it wasn't just that our,

it wasn't just that we created these statements. It was that we also had sessions where you broke this, these statements that I created and I created four, four different statements. I've only read one of them, but, you know, we created, we broke those down into pieces. And then there's a whole methodology for, okay, so question is up right now.

Let me see which ones of which one of these statements apply to this situation the most. And then it's just like, Oh, okay. And when you do that, it becomes really, , it's, it's like, Oh, so this is the most important issue and this is the most important thing. And, and then you make, you're able to make decisions with confidence that you are oriented from really what's most essential to you, rather than whatever is pushing or pulling or, or yelling the loud, screaming the loudest or whatever.

And that's that's invaluable. Yeah.

Marcel: This was ki this is a, a sort of straightforward process that I developed that helps the, the person working with core residents to sort of get a feel for the practice of it and how it's working. And as you described, it's basically about taking some kind of topic.

And then identifying whatever part of the person's core resonance, I call them components that like resonate the most with the topic. And then you kind of say, Okay, when I put the topic with that component, that resonates the most, that part of the statement that resonates most what insight in what insight do I get?

And like, what's really important is that the process is not really about decision making or execution. It's about orientation. So when you take a statement and work with it in this process, it kind of then informs your decision making to make sure that the, that enough input in the decision making process is coming from alignment as opposed to what you just described about all the buttons being pushed in the D Yeah.

The demand. So, yeah. You know, part of this is left our, go ahead. No, go ahead. You said. Well, I was gonna say part of all this is, is left to our own devices. It's, it's, it's, it's just like yoga. Without our practice we, we get distracted we get more pulled by other things. We have less clarity. So you know, without having some kind of alignment practice in place I mean, in a way, of course this is what yoga does for us, but it, it, in yoga, it's, it's working for the whole system, the whole human system.

And not just with respects to alignment, but in this case, without having some kind of alignment practice we're less likely to, to like be in that space or come from that space. And that's part of the whole idea with this is to help someone develop an an alignment practice.

Chase: Well, I mean, that's why I was saying, well, it's yoga, you know, because Yeah, that's why I've been saying this whole time it's yoga because you know, what does yoga help you to do, but to get clarity and to operate from something that is deeper than your patterns.

And it

Yeah. It's, it, you know, in, in, in yoga there is patterning that has been built up from your past experiences and which is closely related to your identity and.

That is very powerful force in your life and it will determine a lot of the decision making if you don't, if you're not careful. And so what we get is with yoga is, you know, one of the main, one of the main virtues is quiet or stillness because when you're quiet and you're still, then it's possible to differentiate between, well, what is my patterning, what is it that I've done before that's happening to me before cetera?

And what is arising with me in now is an authentic response to something. And, and to be able to stay with that authenticity is, is really yoga and . You know, that's, for me, that's what came out of this process, but it, it really came out of it for me in regards to all the administrative decisions I have to take.

Like, who am I hiring and why? What, what, what's our, what's what are we gonna do for marketing and why? And, you know, like all these kinds of things that I, I really had no basis for making any kind of informed decision.

Marcel: The core resonance process, part of its function is to help the individual person work from a space that's more aligned, where they can kind of deal with those issues but not be coming from them.

So, but, and I think that's what I helped you do, was oftentimes you would share some issues or challenges that were on tap. And I would help you. Okay. How do we orient this through the core resonance to help, either with the decision making or just how you're, you're relating to the issue at hand. Yeah,

Chase: yeah.

Totally true. Totally true. Yeah, it's been very helpful, I have to say. It's really, really been helpful. And, you know, I, I've gotten more skilled as I go along and I've gotten, you know, my mother is fond of saying, this is what she says. Actually, my dad used to say, so my grandfather, good judgment that comes from experience.

experience that comes from bad judgment. , . That's so good. So you know, I mean there's some amount of that has happened as a, as the defacto leader of an organization and, you know, head of the Institute or whatnot is are, and those have been positions that are in, in many ways really uncomfortable for me.

Not, not always, but in, in many ways it's uncomfortable. And and now, and I've, it's been so, it's been so helpful to have a guideline. You know, I made this little sheet that says, , you know, that. And I have 'em all written up. And I, and we, and we, we, we've been getting together as an organization every year and everybody gets their sheets,

But, you know, keeping this on the wall behind your, behind your monitor because I, this is how I wanna operate. Our, our company. And, and on

Marcel: the sheets are the, those core resonance descriptions, right?

Chase: Yeah, Well actually, yeah, actually, so after we did my personal core residence, then we took those and took it another step and did it.

For you helped me create a, a mission statement and of value statement and you know, basically things that were really cuz the core resident is really personal to me. And, and then the organization is kind of a different entity. It has its own essence of which I'm a part, but yeah. And

Marcel: yeah, that's the way the process works is it's like someone that's holding a vision or building a business or an organization, it's coming from their individual alignment's.

Like the core resonance is a hundred percent internal. But once you have that statement, the reason why it works is, is cuz, cuz it's completely internal. Once you have it, you can translate it externally for. Functions, different reasons, like for a vision statement, for a mission statement, for a strategic plan, for marketing, for communication, these sort of things.

But it, but it, but it comes from that internal functional alignment. Could you say a little bit about how the core resident has helped you with finding or hiring people?

Chase: So let me, I dunno if that bell came in or, or who, or who are making decisions about personnel or whatnot. What happens is the institute is going to be going in the direction of what those people are about and what they're interested in. So it's fundamentally, at its core, most important to pick people who are resonating with your vision and your mission.

Above and beyond who, those people who have the best technical or. Administrative skill, et cetera, because they may be skillful, but they're gonna start doing things according to what the way it makes sense to them and the way it makes sense to them. If it's not the way it makes sense to you, your organization starts to skew off and go in this the way that it makes sense to them, and that you end up spending all your time trying to reign it in and come back and teach that person about like, Well, no, no, no.

Our sensibility is, But that's a, that's, that's actually impossible.

Marcel: Yeah. So the, so the core resonance like translated for yoga. Well, it helped you identify those people that were most likely to be very aligned from the get go, so you didn't have to spend a whole bunch of time and resources helping them to be aligned.

Chase: That's right. And, and, and, and to also recognize like, actually I'm not interviewing for technical skill. Hmm. I'm interviewing for alignment. I'm not, I'm not, I'm not interviewing for like, you know, how many databases have you built in cricket so that I know that you can build a data. Now I need to know that they can build a database, but I'm not choosing the person with the highest skill on the database construction.

I'm choosing the person that aligns with my vision and my mission, and it feels like this person is wanting to row in the same person as same direction as me. And if they need to actually learn a bunch on the job to get up, to be able to do their job, I'm willing to make that investment because, Later on, I don't have to make any corrections and I don't have to fight them all the time.

And, and actually all kinds of stuff starts to happen the way you want it to happen. Not because you're doing it, but because those people are in alignment with you and that everybody's all moving together as a thing. And I, that I absolutely learned from you and Absolutely. You know, I love what, what you said, you gave that to me.

Hmm. Well,

Marcel: I helped you do the work. , You know, what you said I think that's so beautiful to me is there's a, the alignment, as I mentioned, it's something you cultivate and it's, it's self-reinforcing. The more you grow it, the more presence it, it has. And as you just described, the more you feed it, the more you touch it, the more you cultivate it, the more influence and impact it had on has on things like you just said.

It's, it's like all of a sudden there's. , there's, well, there's, there's more alignment and that is having more of an effect. And to me I think also like this is where this really maps to yoga beautifully too, is like when we become, one way to describe the process of yoga is understanding ourselves and our relationship with ourself and actually being in alignment with our, our more authentic self.

You use that word. And when that happens, there's more connection, more things start to kind of fall into place. And you know, to me this relates to this whole notion of how there's also kind of an expansion out from your own inner alignment to like the alignment of yoga, well, to the alignment with other things.

So there's that, that connection. And if you're cultivating that alignment in your organization and in yourself, it has that influence in that presence and like attracts like, I mean, it can be kind of a force that, that you know, almost develops as a result of, of

Chase: its own. Absolutely. That's been my experience.

You know, I'm, I mean I, my, my current staff, I'm so psyched about, I mean, I, not only do I like everybody, but everybody's bought in and everybody sees like, what makes yoga well special, what makes yoga well really what its mission and it, and its vision are, and, and, and, . How that's really, it's really special.

And I don't have to be saying to people about like, well, we can't say this in the marketing because, or, you know, I don't want to be saying that in the, in the, if this goes out in an email, that's embarrassing cuz that's not who or what we are. Or you know, we not to do any of that cuz people get it. And it's like,

Marcel: what in your experience, what, what was it that allowed you to trust the process?

To trust it, To use it, To trust it enough to, to use it. .

Chase: And so but I had big issues that we had to actually talk about. So you would be like, Okay, so let's get out your sheet and let's go through it. And then I would be like, Oh, well look at that. Oh, there's my answer. Okay, now the next one is da, da, da. So you know, I don't actually use my sheets now, but I am really oriented around like, well, what is it that we are and how we're oriented and, and I think.

These, these, these statements that would come out of me are really setting direction in a way that's really concrete and, and then meaningful. And so I, the trust part really came as a result of, of working the process with you, .

Marcel: Yeah. But anyway, thank you very much. So if you would, why don't you say a bit about the Yoga Well Institute, so our listeners can find out where to find more information if, if they're interested in signing up for your newsletter or taking some courses or workshops with you.

Chase: So we are essentially a chain of teacher student relationships and that's what we support. We provide a safe container for healing and empowerment that is, the process of yoga. We come through healing and the more that you heal slowly, you come into yourself, and then there is a development of the potentials that are laying within you.

And, you know, we, we are a vehicle for the teachings of vi yoga. So we are really about nurturing the Vinny yoga community.

So that mean, that means that we have all kinds of. Different offerings. So we doen classes, we do par and meditation classes. We do philosophy, we do Yoga Sutra, we do babaa. Currently we're doing Harte Yoga, Pica, and chapter two of the Yoga Sutra. We have trainings that are for personal development.

We call them yoga practitioner trainings. And we also have trainings for people to guide others. So you could become a teacher or you become a yoga therapist, etcetera, like this. So we are really trying to provide resources for people who are interested in going deep in themselves and in their authenticity and through the vehicle of yoga.

And you can find us at yoga well, Dot com. Well, as a, you know, an instrument, a technology that allows you to dig through some kind of outer crust or whatnot down and access a resource that was, you know, deep within which you would not have been able to access otherwise. So yoga and our Twitter is at yoga well, and our Pinterest is at Yoga Well, and Instagram is at Yoga Well Institute, and you know, we have Facebook is Yoga Well Institute, all those kinds of things.

Marcel: So anyway, yeah, why don't you well chase thank you. I really, I really appreciate this, and it's it's, I don't know, it's just like, so, it's so meaningful that I've done this work for you.

But also we've done this work with yoga together in you being my teacher and guiding me and supporting me, and, and then this process kind of being birthed out of that and then being able to do it for you and support you and then. Having you like do this interview for me

Chase: and, oh, please, Marcel, The pleasure is all mine, please.



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